We met Trixy quite some time ago, and over the
years she has become a valued contact. More importantly,
though, she has become a close friend to all of us.
As a Dog shaman, she has an obligation to her
totem to be loyal to her friends; however, we have never
felt that her loyalty stems from anything other than a
strong and longstanding friendship. She has aided us more
times than we can count; I particularly value her because
she has saved my life a number of times when I was too
injured to heal myself. Always calm and unflappable amid
our usual sea of chaos, Trixy's suggestions have on
many occasions provided us with insight into whatever
problem with which we are currently struggling.
Note: Trixy originally appeared in the published
Shadowrun module "Bottled Demon," although you'd never
recognize her if you saw her in our game.