Sunday, August 13, 2000

Sunday. Last day. A lot of folks are leaving already.

Didn't do a whole lot today, except tie up loose ends, pack up our stuff (it did fit in the bags we brought--surprised the hell out of me) and did a last cruise of the dealer's and art rooms.

Checked with Mike Mulvihill and got a couple of official Shadowrun gamemaster's badges (which we're keeping--they're not going to be contest prizes). Bought one more Fred Hooper piece (another contest prize). Tried to buy the new Brain game from Cheapass, but they'd run out on Friday and never did get the promised new shipment. Should have bought it then. Ah, well.

Picked up the dragons--they all turned out adorable. Perfect. There are pictures of them around here somewhere--see if you don't think so. This lady does good work.

The final writer's seminar was the actual Writer's Workshop where folks submitted stories and Kij Johnson critiqued them. We did a few sections in the seminar, and it was cool hearing what she had to say about them. I didn't submit one because I never heard how, so she told me and several others that we could send her something and she'd critique it and reply back. Cool.

Spent the final two hours of the con in the dealer's room making last-minute purchases. Showed up at the Rowan Tree about fifteen minutes before the con's end and got a great deal on a double-bladed lightsaber with a leather-wrapped handle surrounded by white bunny fur--a really nice piece, and I got $50 off the price. Considered buying the Cloud Sword, but even after they knocked a significant amount off for our good-customer status and it being the end of the con, I still couldn't quite justify it. Maybe next year, though--I really want that thing. If I can figure out where the heck to put it, that is.

Picked up the angel pictures from Ruth Thompson, said goodbye to the FASA folks, and headed out. Another Gen Con over. Hopefully we'll be back again next year.

This isn't con-related, but we did have a very nice dinner with some friends from Brian, Kathleen, Bob, Jennifer, and Micro-Bob, thanks for a great time, and sorry I forgot the camera.

That's it for us--we head back tomorrow. Thanks for listening to me ramble, everybody, and hope to see you at the Con next year!
